Saturday, August 9, 2014

Addis Ababa

I met the CSC teammate Ione from Brazil at Dubai airport, and flew together on EK732 to Addis Ababa.   Here is our selfie when our plane just across Gulf of Aden to Africa continent.
Arabia desert glitters under cloudless sky.  As the plane approaching Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden, cloud gathered up.  In this picture, the lower portion of the picture covered by cloud is Arabian Peninsular; the middle grayish section is Gulf of Aden; under the top right cloud is east most of Africa Continent, Somalia.  It is quite amazing to see two continents separated by a large body of water. 

Finally, it is Ethiopia highland, deep green in raining season, and the capital city of Ethiopia at the foothill of Mt. Entoto, where the first palace of Empire Menelik resides.

A dinner with newly met CSC teammates at Yod Abyssinia, with tons of fun.

Amharic folk music and " I don't care" shoulder dance.

Ethiopia staple: Injara,  very delicious. We sat around the plate and serve by hand, a good way to mix.

Honey wine by the flasks.  First test had burning sensation, but the second sip was sweet.
And moon peeked out to see us back to hotel.

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